I just finished reading "The Boy from Baby House 10", which was about a boy from a Russian orphanage. I did a good bit of crying. There are 147 million orphans in this world. 147 MILLION children, folks. Can you begin to comprehend that number? Can you comprehend that many children NOT knowing a mother's love? I can't. And while I obviously can't mother them all, I can mother Tessa. I can rock her to sleep. Put bandaids on her boo boos. Teach her what unconditional love is. There are so many things I want to do for her and with her, but most importantly, I want her to know love. To be loved, and feel loved. I wish she could even have just a little bit of an idea of how many people already love her. Of this great big extended family waiting to welcome her. Of how many people are praying for her daily. It is so hard to explain in words, and I don't think I ever could. But our sweet girl is already my child in my heart, just as much as my boys. I have three kids. Three toddlers. I just can't wait to get the third home where she belongs.
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