Monday, June 13, 2011

Yippee skippee!


We have our approval from immigration! It's not in my hands yet, but I did get to talk to an immigration officer earlier today who told me we'd just been approved this morning.

I am beyond excited. That was a LONG two month wait.

I finished our collage of family pictures today. As soon as Eric gets me some passport sized pics, I'll send those two things to our agency.

I really think we can be Dossier to China (DTC) next Friday.

Here's to hoping!!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Our AMAZING agency! BAAS!

The start of the collection of things for our girl!
Ladybugs have somehow become representative of Chinese adoption. Supposedly seeing one means a referral for a child is coming, or the next piece of paperwork in the process. I figured having a ladybug flag hanging beside the front door can't hurt.
And now....THE DOSSIER!!! I've talked about it before, but it's the big file about us that goes to China. We send all the originals, and a copy.

....the authentication from the Chinese embassy in DC....
....dossier docs plus copy of them all.....
....copies of passports.....
....passport sized pictures....
Momma headed to the UPS store. Time to ship the large majority of the dossier to our coordinator in California.
I still have to get Eric's passport sized pictures. And of course, the immigration approval. Still no word there.

The last thing for me to do is make a collage of pictures of our family. And let me just tell you that is stressing me out! I hope to finish that soon!

We're coming Tessa!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Thanks Kay!

I read a book not long ago by Kay Bratt, called "Silent Tears". It was about her experiences as a volunteer in a Chinese orphanage. It was eye opening and heart breaking. In any case, I found this letter below on her blog, and she gave me permission to use it. It's in red. Enjoy!

A Common Sense Letter by Kay Bratt

by KAY BRATT on MARCH 22, 2011

Dear family, friends and nosy strangers to interracial families,

Since my experiences with China and adoption, I have learned so much and I want to share some of my newly acquired wisdom with you. It is my hopes that this letter will serve as a crash course in proper etiquette when communicating with a diverse family. Adoption in itself is a miracle—a way to unite a loving child with people who have a desire to build their family in ways other than or in addition to biological means. Please don’t ruin their joy with your rude comments and intrusive behaviors. Don’t allow racist comments to slip out of your loose mouth—words can hurt and children have feelings, too. Give the family what they need—space, privacy and respect. I know that your curiosity is driving you mad, so let’s discuss some of the most common questions and comments that you should never verbalize to an adoptive parent.

How much did they cost? Absolutely nothing—didn’t you know trafficking is illegal and no one can buy another human being? If you are interested in adoption and are wondering if you can afford to embark on the amazing journey, any adoption agency on the worldwide web can discuss with you the fees related to the process.

Can she speak Chinese? Considering many international adoptions are finalized before children learn the art of verbal communication, do you really think it is possible that she can speak a foreign language? However, when she is old enough, if she expresses interest in learning the language of her homeland, then we may consider a private tutor. Why—is there someone you can recommend?

Can she speak English? Don’t your children speak English? I know—why don’t you ask her yourself? (And believe it or not, they can also handle a fork and only use chopsticks for fun!)

What are they? Alright, Einstein, do I really need to point out to you that they are children? How insensitive and if I ever hear someone ask that question, they should be prepared to receive a tongue lashing.

Is it true that the Chinese people do not want baby girls and the orphanages are full of them? Oh—are you interested in the subject of child abandonment and institutional statistics? I wish they could help but as you see, they are busy spending time with their family. Feel free to check your local library for some research material. The point here is, don’t spread slander and stereotypes—especially in front of children.

Sometimes families include more than one adopted child—when you see two children in the group that are the same race, please don’t ask, “Are they REAL sisters?” Yes, they are real sisters and those are real parentsliving a real house and they should really not be forced to have this conversation. Move on, please.

And of course, the all familiar question of, “Do you know who their REAL parents are?” If you are crude enough to ask this question, I hope you get this answer: “Yes—we are their real parents. If you are referring to their biological parents, that sort of information is personal and any details we know would be up to them to share when and if they desire to.”

Another real question that should never leave your lips is, “Are their real parents dead?” Again, the people who they call mom and dad are their real parents and you should know better than to ask a question that is so personal (or can cause immense emotional turmoil) such as the subject of biological parents or death.

Please do not ask an adoptive parent, “How many of your own do you have?” All of their children are their own—they are not separated by categories of who birthed them.

If you work in a medical setting and a parent comes in with their child of a different race than they are, please do not ask for more proof of guardianship than you would any other child—that is insulting and discriminatory. Haven’t you ever heard of adoption? Obviously the medical card or information presented should be enough and the parents should not be made to go through an inquisition to receive medical attention for their children. That goes for immigration control as well—why should they have to present more proof of guardianship for their adopted child than they do for their bio child?

Do not—I repeat do not—grab the hand of a child and assume they are lost just because they do not ‘look like’ the people they are standing near. You may just find yourself on the wrong side of goodness when you are being arrested for attempted kidnapping. Of course, we all want to help a child who cannot find their parents but use the context clues—is she standing near a woman and calling her mommy? Does she look distressed or lost? If not—back off, people.

Why didn’t you adopt from your own country? This is a totally out-of-bounds question and there is no way to present it in a way that is acceptable. Be prepared to answer why YOU didn’t adopt from YOUR own country, because that question should go both ways. Parents choose international adoption for many reasons but the most common thread is that they were people who wanted a child—and their child was in need of a family. The birth country is completely irrelevant, though some people may have reasons to why they chose China, India, Russia, etc, to start their search. Those reasons are none of your business. If you are interested in learning the pros and cons of domestic vs. international adoption, you can find many websites that can enlighten you.

Don’t approach and exclaim, “Oh my, she is so cute! I want one!” Like any parent, a compliment given about their child is appreciated, but please don’t act like they are a floppy-eared Golden Retriever or the latest style in purses. They are not an accessory or status symbol—it is a child, most importantly—it is their child. What would you say if I ran up to you and your children and bellowed out the same comment? You would think I was crazy—right?

Please, please, please do not tell a parent who has an adoptive child, “Oh, they are so lucky that you adopted them.” I have corresponded with hundreds of parents and the most common sentiment they admit to me is that they are the lucky ones to have been blessed with such amazing children. Also, these parents did not go out of their way to ‘save’ a child and that term is offensive—please don’t use it.

On that note, do not tell a child, “Oh, you are so precious; I think I’ll just take you home with me.” Or “Oh, you are so precious; can I be your new Mommy?” You have no idea if the child has had attachment issues or possibly still remember their abandonment, or recalls being placed with strangers away from those who love them. A comment like that may bring back a flood of painful memories or plant a bundle of new fears in the mind of a child. What is said in a few seconds could take years to forget. You can just leave it at “Oh, you are so precious.” Enough said.

And no—sorry to burst your bubble but just because their children are Asian, does not mean they are math wizards or science geeks. Just like your children, they are born with different gifts and talents and as they grow, those are still being determined. However, by the time they are grown, I’m sure they will be geniuses in the subject of how rude it is to stereotype people according to their genetics.

Don’t be surprised if when you are dumb enough to ask an inappropriate question, you see a mom suddenly grow horns or bare fangs. Despite our ingrained rules of politeness and minding our manners, our instinct to protect our children is stronger. When a mother senses their children are going to suffer emotionally because of thoughtless words from a stranger—she is going to do what needs to be done and shut you down.

Not all parents are opposed to answering questions about adoption or their children— you may just happen to find a parent or child that really loves to talk about their adoption story. If that happens, count your blessings. First be sure you feel a welcoming atmosphere before you approach a family, and then if you are sure you can pull out your can of common sense and put it to use—keep your comments or questions to a minimum. Ask yourself how would you feel if the tables were turned and a stranger walked up to you and asked personal questions about your children’s lives? The safest route is to let them guide the conversation to what they feel comfortable discussing.

In closing, you may wonder exactly what would be appropriate to say to an adoptive mom or dad when you just want to show your support of their choice to adopt and your admiration for their handsome family. Here are a few appropriate words to use when approaching an interracial family:

“Your family is beautiful and so well-behaved!” (We all love to hear that comment, obviously!)

“I have a grand-daughter that looks just like her!” (Only if it is true, of course, and can be a way to test the waters to see if they are open to talking about adoption.)

“Did you create your family through adoption?” (Again, be alert for clues if they do not want to engage in adoption conversation and if you do feel welcome, keep the questions on the non-personal side.)

A good rule of thumb would be to remember that these people—just like you—are very busy and each time they venture out together it is valued family time. If they have not shown that they want to be spokespeople for adoption, let them finish their meal, activity or event without being interviewed, stared at, or whispered about. You will find that families from the international adoption community are usually patient, kind and willing to communicate about their story— if it is an appropriate time and place, and if you understand that there are some details and information that will not be shared under any circumstances. Remember, they have moved mountains to get their children—so let them enjoy the rewards of parenthood.

Thank you to the members of the International Adoption Community who gave me the research material for this piece! Your patience with the rest of the world is duly noted—Kay Bratt.

The First Pictures of Tessa

I've never shared all the pictures of Tessa. I'm not really sure why, I've just felt kinda like I wanted to keep a little part of her just for us. In any case, I decided it's time to share them. Mostly because I feel like our families and friends are so excited for us, and are so supportive, and I know they want to see more of her too!

The first two are the ones that were on our agency's site; they are the first pictures I ever saw of her. And let me tell you, I was drawn to that face. There was her, and a little boy. I wanted to bring them both home immediately. I'm happy to say that little boy's forever family found him too. That makes me SO happy.

The day after we requested Tessa's file, a blogger that often advocates for orphans, blogged about our girl. My heart SANK. I immediately emailed our coordinator, to verify that her file was indeed completely locked for our family for the 72 hours. Then I could breathe. And I was happy that the blogger was advocating for her; she obviously saw something in her sweet face as well! Well, you all know how it ended up, but the point to that story is the the lady blogging/advocating for Tessa used the pictures in the green jacket. I had never seen those pictures before. And I just love them, and how squeezable her cheeks are. After we send our dossier to China, we plan to send a care package. Hopefully we will get some updated pictures when we do that:-)

Adoption Process

I get many questions about the process and timeline. The steps are listed below, thanks to a really nice man named Tim (from the China adoption community online.)

We sent our LOI in late Feb.
Got our PA beginning of March.
And now we are still waiting on number 3, thanks to the USCIS.
It's estimated to be about 4-6 months from number 4 (dossier to China), to when we can go get our girl!!

1 - LOI (Letter of Intent)
2 - PA (Pre-Approval)
3 - I800A (US government agrees you can adopt a child)
4 - DTC (Dossier to China)

5 - LID (Log in date of dossier)
6 - LOA / LSC (Letter of Acceptance / Letter Seeking Confirmation)

7 - I800 (US government agrees you can adopt specific child)
8 - NVC (I800 approval cabled to US Embassy)

9 - Article 5 (US government certifies that child meets Hague criteria)
10 - TA (Travel approval, issued by CCAA in Beijing to come to China)
11 - Gotcha Day (A day like no other)
12 - CA (US Consulate appointment)

13 - Home (A new life begins for your child)

Paperwork Update

We are only waiting on our immigration approval, before we send our dossier to China. I am hoping and PRAYING that it comes this week. Once we get it, it will take about 2 weeks to get it state and nationally certified, and then authenticated by the Chinese Embassy. Then it goes straight to California for our agency to put it with the rest of our dossier. Our agency sends groups of dossiers to China every Friday, so we only have 3 more chances this June. Obviously, this coming week is out. So really, only two more chances.

I'm feeling quite down in the dumps, and like the chance of traveling and returning by Christmas is next to zero. With all this waiting, and the feelings of frustration, I can't help but ask God "Why?". We can't wait to be Tessa's loving family, so couldn't he just speed this process up a little.....

So of course, David Chadwick had a sermon today that I swear was meant for my ears. The premise: Let God be God. Let him do his own works. His plan is his alone, and it's not meant for me to understand. Okay, okay, I get it. I need to quit stressing over it, because there IS a plan, I just don't know what it is. And I'm not meant to.

Any prayers that our immigration approval comes soon, would be greatly appreciated.