Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday Mailday!

Today was a REALLY good mail day. Not one, but TWO things came in the mail related to adoption paperwork. One, our marriage certificate from St. Thomas. I was starting to get stressed about it. I turned right back around, and sent it back to St. Thomas. This time, to the Lt. Gov. for authentication. I paid a little more for the shipping this time, so that it can be tracked better. I need the peace of mind of knowing where ALL of my documents are. Once it is back from St. Thomas, it's ready for the trip to DC.

Second, Eric's birth certificate came back from the State of NY. With a note telling me I screwed up. Oops. I have to send it to the county of Erie first, for their clerk of court. So, I sent that off as well. I spoke to the absolute nicest lady in the clerk of court office in Buffalo. My husband, his family, and that nice lady, just dispel all preconceived notions about Yankees not being as nice as southerners. Once it's back, I can try again to have the NY sec of state authenticate it. Eric's poor little birth certificate will go through FIVE different certifications/authentications before it ever gets to China.

Our I800a application should be out in the mail tomorrow. That is our immigration application, and they've been taking 45-60 days on average for approval. I plan to diligently work on the rest of the dossier during that wait. Could it be possible that we could be dossier to china (DTC) in June? July at the latest, I am praying!

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